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Safety and security of the application

Verified APK file


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What data protection techniques do we use?

Apart from guaranteeing the safety of users, data protection is necessary to ensure our security as a service provider. We implement security practices to respond to emerging threats and provide a convenient user experience. Here are the practices used in the Crazy Time application:

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Secure development practices we use

Our application follows the best development practices, not just to deliver the optimal user experience. These technologies and approaches help to achieve the exceptional security:

Security awareness training

All staff involved in the Crazy Time app operation regularly pass security awareness training. This consists in understanding the newest types of threats and ways of eliminating them.

Secure coding standards

The app developers adhere to top coding standards, eliminating any weaknesses in the code. These standards are dedicated to design, password management, error handling, and other practices.

Threat modeling

This technology helps us analyze potential threats and take protection measures early in software development. It helps to design and release a more safe and secure app.

Security testing

We regularly identify potential areas for improvement through security testing. It involves penetration or vulnerability testing, code audits, and other ways of checking the app’s safety.

Input validation and data cleaning

Encoding all data inputs helps to avoid various types of web application attacks. Each user’s attempt to enter information is checked and verified.

Authorization and authentication

These technologies verify the user’s identity when trying to access the application and determine whether they have the right to use it.

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Secure file upload

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The most popular game show Crazy Time on your mobile phone

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